The ITLDT brings together campus IT staff who have leadership responsibilities or potential, in order to ensure continued leadership development and the application of leadership skills at the individual, unit, and institutional levels of the University.

The Leadership Development Team (ITLDT) is responsible for the planning and execution of the IT Leadership Development Community (ITLDC). ITLDT looks for opportunities to develop leaders, and sponsors activities that promote leadership and exercise principles of effective leadership among campus IT staff. Our vision is to be a community of IT leaders that promotes individual leadership development through mutual challenges and support, and fosters collaboration and cooperation across University units, in order to enable the University to achieve its ongoing mission and goals.

In addition to ITLDC, other leadership activities are supported by ITLDT, including the What's On Your Mind lecture series. The series features campus and community leaders who share their insights on leadership and current issues with members of the campus IT community. The series began in 2009 as an opportunity for members of the IT community to hear directly from leaders, often about the challenges and issues that affect higher education or our University. Subject matter is not limited to matters of IT significance, and the talks are open to all members of the University community.

Other activities supported by the ITLDT include periodic IT Professional Development conferences and networking events, as well as the annual IT Leadership Award, which recognizes excellence in IT leadership on campus.

IT Leadership Development Team Membership, 2023-24

  • Matt Espy, ITS Information Security & Policy Office, Co-chair
  • Andrew Evans, Health Care Information Systems, Co-chair
  • Andy Jenkins, Graduate College, Co-chair Emeritus
  • Matt McLaughlin, College of Engineering , Co-chair Emeritus
  • Kevin Davison, Health Care Information Systems
  • Ashley Glassberg-Nazette, ITS Teaching, Learning, & Technology
  • Chris Hatland, ITS Enterprise Infrastructure
  • Griffin Idleman, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
  • Thomas Livesay, Health Care Information Systems
  • Gabriella Perez, ITS Research Services
  • Trent Petersen, ITS Enterprise Services
  • Kyle Vanderploeg, Health Care Information Systems 

Contact: ITLDT Email