The IT Leadership Development Community strives to bring together campus-wide IT staff from OneIT and Health Care Information Services who have leadership responsibilities, potential or interest in order to ensure continued leadership development and application of leadership skills at the individual, unit, and institutional levels.

What's on Your Mind Series (WOYM)
The What's On Your Mind lecture series features campus and community leaders sharing their insights on leadership and current issues with members of the campus IT community.

Second Thursday Thoughts (STT)
This Zoom meeting is held every second Thursday of each month. In this session, we discuss a MOR Insights or other leadership article.

IT Leadership Development Team (ITLDT)
The IT Leadership Development Team is sponsored by the Chief Information Officer (CIO), Steve Fleagle, who recognizes that in such a varied and distributed environment, support is also required from leaders in Health Care Information Services, the Colleges, and Business Units.
IT Leadership Awards (ITLA)
The IT Leadership Award is part of a continuing effort to develop, encourage, and support IT Leadership for all IT professionals across the University of Iowa.

MOR Program
The IT Leadership Development Community brings together campus IT staff who have leadership responsibilities or potential.